Ikebana meetings take place every 2nd Saturday each month at 13.00-15.30
Every meeting will contain a demonstration whose purpose is to stimulate inspiration and learning. Thereafter, members will work on their own arrangements, which will be reviewed together.
NOTE! The Committee reserves the right to change the scheduled program in case of withdrawals and illness.
Saturday 10. September:
An arrangement with the flowers from late summer and with mat (basic) (“shiki-mono”of any kinds) will be demonstrated by Mrs. Gerda Pedersen.
Container(flat or tall) and arrangement are of your own choices – free style. Bring along flowers, branches from your surroundings in late summer.
Also, please bring “basic”(mat) of any sort: lacquered plate, bamboo, table mat of one-colored plastic or paper, or whatever you may think good.
The key point to this arrangement is combination of flower or/and
branches from the nature v.s. mat (basic) to be put under.
Saturday 8. Oktober:
Arrangement with leaves only (“Ha-mono”葉物 ). Two or more kinds of leaves which can show different characteristics by rolling up, tearing or overlapping them. Try to discover new features of the leaves.
Demonstrated by Mrs. Setsuko Bergholdt. Sôgetsu Textbook 3-4. pp.63-65. Bring any container of big or small, tall or flat. Free style. Maybe you can add a single flower to this arrangement, if you like.
Saturday 12. November:
Autumn berry branch (“mi-mono” 実物 ) arrangement.
Demonstration by Mrs. Anne-Grethe Sørensen
Tall vase arrangement.
Bring along flowers, berry branches and tall vase of your choice.
Saturday 10, December:
Christmas Lunch at 12:00 p.m, please note!
Demonstration by Mrs. Setsuko Bergholdt
Chritmas arrangement a là Ikebana.
Again this year there will be a Christmas lottery with fine prizes.
Price: 250,00 kr.
Saturday 7. January:
(Not 2nd,but 1st. Sat.)
A big floor arrangement demonstrated by Mrs. Inger Tribler.
Please note this date! She got an inspiration from the Sôgetsu Head master Akane, who had shown at the workshop in Germany in 2014 August.
All members are however to make New Year’s arrangement in free style.
Bring along the typical material for the new year’s decoration in Japan such as Pine/moss tree-branch, white chrysanthemum/lily/rose, or a small portion of red berry branch to make contrast to the white flowers and green/grey branches.
Saturday 11. February:
A brief account of the history of Ikebana by showing pictures by Mrs. Setsuko Bergholdt. “Tate-bana”by Dôbô-shû & Ikenobô, “Cha-bana”茶花 by Sen Rikyû, “Rikka”/ “Seika” of Ikenobô, and “Moribana & Nageire” of modern Ikebana by Ohara/Sôgetsu-schools.
The classic Ikebana is the arrangement to regain the nature in container without drastic change, but from the modern Ikebana point of view, the plant have excess parts. This is why you in Sôgetsu school learn how to make Simplified arrangement to make ‘art’.
You’ll see how to make one material simplified, by removing unnecessary parts from the materials. Sôgetsu Textbook 3-4. pp.76-77. Bring cotainer and flower(s) of your own choice.
Saturday 11. March:
Stone and Flowers as thematic material.
Mrs. Irene Schmidt will demonstrate.
Bring along flowers, branches and stone.
Flat container of your choice.
Stone arrangement of Ikebana may come from an inspiration of Japanese garden, from which you can arrange together with some small stone combinded with flowers/branch in your flat container.
Tuesday 25. April :
General Assembly 12.00 p.m.
We will hold our General Assembly at Tokai University European Center.
Following the General Assembly at 13.00, we will have a delicious lunch and pleasant get -together.
Payment: 200 kr.
Saturday 13. May:
Exchange kenzan and container with each other – just for one afternoon.
Bring along a container with kenzan, but do not forget to put your own name on each of them, because they are to be put on a table mixed up together and are to be chosen by each member to make her own Ikebana arrangement in free style.
Hope you feel like challenging this unusual theme of “improvisation” !
After this, we’ll celebrate the last day of our club-season with wine
and snacks to wish each other for a nice summer to come.