About Ikebana International

Ikebana International (I.I.) is a non-profit cultural organization dedicated to the promotion and appreciation of ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arrangement. When the late Ellen Gordon Allen founded the organization in 1956, her dream was to create an organization uniting the peoples of the world through their mutual love of nature and enjoyment of ikebana. That dream has now spread to over 50 countries/area, with 161 chapters and membership of approximately 7,600 persons with the motto of Ellen Gordon Allen ”Friendship through Flowers”. Read about the different ikebana schools here.

Ikebana International (I.I.) er en kulturel organisation, hvis formål er at videregive og stimulere studiet af Ikebana, den japanske blomsterkunst. Den blev grundlagt i 1956 af Ellen Gordon Allen, hvis drøm det var at starte en organisation, der kunne forene folk rundt om i verden gennem deres fælles interesse for naturen og glæden ved at udøve kunsten Ikebana. Denne drøm har nu spredt sig til 50 lande med i alt 161 chapters (afdelinger) med et medlemstal på omkring 7.600 personer, hvor stifteren Ellen Gordon Allens motto ”Friendship through Flowers” realiseres. Læs om de forskellige ikebana skoler her.

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